
goodies in the mail

I love getting packages in the mail! Today I got my copy of Isaac's Style Book and the Geluscious reusable gel terry booties and gel gloves I had won from a Coutorture giveaway.

I usually post Coutorture giveaways in the sidebar underneath the Google Ad table. Scroll down and enter your email address to win free goodies. Yes, it's that easy! Right now there isn't a new giveaway, but check back soon because I'm sure once Olympus Fashion Week dies down, there will be stuff to win. You should increase your chances of winning by entering everyday!

Isaac's Style Book is like the Nicole Richie of magazines. It's super thin and the photos are pretty to look at, but the content is rather dull. For the next issue I will be picking up my copy at a boutique instead of paying the $3.25 postage/shipping.

I'm really excited to get my feet nourished and moisturized by the gel booties, but I'm waiting for when my feet has suffered a long day of walking or a night of dancing in heels. I bet they will feel amazing. I can't wait...

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