
outfitting: happy halloween!

The Lion, the Witch & the Vampire: Costume Breakdown

My cousin, the scary-lookin' Vampire (aka Amy), made my Chronicles of Narnia Snow Witch dress and shawl. I bought the fabric for about $6 at the swap meet and the fur was left over from one of her previous projects.

I got the crown from Wal-Mart for $2 and spray painted it white. I bought the icicle garland trimming from Michaels for $2 and used wire to attach it to the crown.

My earrings are actually snowflake Christmas ornaments I got at Joe's 99¢ Store. Turning ornaments into earrings are simple, just add earring hooks.

I bought the clear plastic heels from Wal-Mart for $5.

Emil's lion head and tail comes from a damaged kid's costume I found at Wal-Mart for $3.

Amy made her entire costume from scratch, except for her boots, custom-made vampire teeth and freaky contact lenses.

1 comment:

н α и đ ί c α ρ ρ ε đ said...

How did your cousin get those eyes, or where did she purchase her lens from?