It was all about the flowers during the Collection bebe show on Thursday night at Smashbox Studios. Celebs like O.C. princess Mischa Barton (the new spokesmodel for Collection bebe), mean girl Lacey Chabret, singer/actress Mya, sister of MJ Latoya Jackson, courtroom frequenter Courtney Love and her offspring Frances Bean Cobain, and star dancer/wrestler Stacy Kiebler were all in attendance to see the line's debut into the realms of high-end designer couture.
Designer David Cardona said that the fall collection was inspired by a vintage tulip dress owned by bebe founder Manny Mashouf. Hence the collection was in full bloom with flowers popping up in every look. The collection's dominating colors were black, gray, and silver laced with splatters of crimson, purple and lavender. There were strapless gowns worn with long necklaces, bubble skirts layered to resemble petals, coat collars were pulled up like leaves, hemlines and sleeves folded like rosebuds and tulips, tons of knee-length leggings, high-waisted pants and capris, and patent leather cummerbunds, gloves, and clutches with matching peep toe heels.
I sat one row before Kim Possible (Christy Carlson Romano)! Disney Channel ain't got nothing on me!
My favorite piece was the red taffeta skirt that looked like a big red carnation (first image). I also loved the bun-to-the-side hairstyle. I thought the entire line was sophisticated, but still young and fresh. It was a great show and every look was beautiful. I want it all! I did get Collection bebe seat cushions though. Now my buttocks will be sitting in style!
Thank you!
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