
daily outfitting: i eats me spinach

A&F Blue Striped Short-Sleeve Button-Up Shirt:
- @ Abercrombie & Fitch
- It's hard to see in this picture, but this shirt has thin blue and khaki stripes. I've had it for a long time. I think it's one of those classic shirts that can be dressed up or down and will be forever in season.

Hollister Co. White Ribbed Boy Tank:
- $12.50 @ Hollister Co.
- See Sunday Palms and Fleas

Multi-Bead Necklace:
- $1.99 @ Urban Outfitters
- I like the gold strawberry pendant on this funky necklace. This is another item that I couldn't resist because of the price tag. I should really try to constrain myself from making these kinds of purchases.

White Stag Blue Sailor Shorts:
- $1.00 @ Baras Thrift Store
- I lovelovelove these shorts! I feel like Popeye, the Sailor Man wearing them. All I'm missing is can of spinach.

Sperry Top-Sider White Boat Shoes:
- @ Ross
- I've never been sailing, but that hasn't stopped me from rockin' these preppy sneaks. One day, I will don them while on my sailing getaway to the Hamptons.

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