Xhilaration Sheer Purple Polka Dot Cami:
- $14.99 @ Target
- This is a great summer cami because it's sheer, light, and airy. I'm glad I had worn it on such a hot, sunny day. (I should've worn comfortable shoes with support though. Silly me for not thinking about my poor feet!)
A&F White Bermuda Shorts:
- $39.50 @ Abercrombie & Fitch
- See Casual Saturday
I was hoping to catch more performances on the first day of Street Scene, but it took us five hours (!!!) to get from LA to San Diego! Things got worse when Ashley got pulled over for making a left turn on a one-way street in downtown because a) I told her to and b) I thought Street Scene was at the Gaslamp Quarter. The cop let us go with a warning to be more careful and directions to Qualcomm, where Street Scene actually was taking place. It was an equally hilarious and embarrassing experience. By the time we got to the stadium parking lot it was pretty late. The folks at the front didn’t give me a media/photo pass, but they let me and Megan inside to catch the last acts. Social Distortion’s set was really good. Mike Ness sounds awesome live! Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for Kanye West. His arrogance was obnoxiously obvious when he stopped the music to complain about the new lighting guy. Then later, in the middle of his verse, he stopped the music to proclaim that he had messed up the line. How lame can you be Kanye? Even American Idol wannabes know never to point out your mistakes! There was also a good five minutes (or was it ten? ‘cause it sure felt like it!), where he was nowhere on the stage and his band was playing random songs that weren’t even his songs!
Day two of Street Scene was an immensely better experience for me. I got a media/photo pass this time around and was able to hang out in the pit for the first three songs of each act. I managed to photograph most of the performers despite the expansive journey from one stage to the next. In between my treks, Megan and I stopped by the Myspace tent to get pictures with some of the bands. I’m so glad that I brought Megan because she’s actually a big fan of the bands and she lugged around the huge camera bag for me! I think it’s a pretty fair trade off … Haha!
Some of my favorites:
Editors’ lead singer/guitarist, Tom Smith, has a uniquely deep, intense voice that’s sexy in a brooding, mysterious way. His performance, albeit very fidgety, is swoon-worthy. They’re songs are hauntingly beautiful and watching them perform made it that much more convincing. I really enjoyed their performance. The guys were also super nice and friendly at the Myspace tent. I’m totally hooked! I must have their album.
The Futureheads rocked! But I wasn’t expecting anything less from an OC Mix band. They’re vocal harmonies were quite impressive live (everyone in the band sings!), especially with their English accents! I love their songs because they’re full of energy and urgency. This made for a very exciting performance to watch.
Charlotte of the Subways was adorable, even if she was jumping around like a manic monkey!
Karen O was stellar per usual. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ latest album is way underrated. It’s freakin’ genius!
Snoop lit and smoked a blunt onstage. Classic. I was a bit annoyed that he was at least half an hour late though.
Others I saw:
- Bloc Party
- The Shins
- Tapes N' Tapes (The lead singer was sporting a Futureheads T-shirt.)
- Donavon Frankenreiter (He seemed like a really chill guy when I met him at the Myspace tent.)
- New York Dolls (Why is that man … I mean girl… I mean man/girl soooo scary?)
- Mew
- Tool (I actually heard them from afar while waiting for Emil to pick us up. We were smart enough to stay far, far way from the madness.)
outfitting: sd street scene day two
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